I have become more and more alarmed as we watch increasing, divisive, never ending battles and downright hostile attacks that seem to permeate every segment of our society. Men against women, black against white, rich against poor, liberal against conservative, gay against straight and even believer against the unbeliever. It’s truly crazy! Even those who claim to be on the same side find something to feud about. Sadly, America has become a house divided; surely she cannot stand if we allow the current negative trend to go unchecked. There must be a better way.
When we think about it, we agree on much more than we disagree. If that’s true, then why is it that we spend so much time and energy on our disagreements? Thus it is vital to downplay or minimize our disagreements, while spending the bulk of our time focusing on that which is productive and on which we can agree. In short, building common ground, coming together and advocating for productive solutions should be the order of the day.
Further, we should agree that there is a difference between free speech and attacks that cross the line, limited by laws surrounding defamation, libel, and slander. Protection of first amendment rights and respect for one another is a prerequisite to restoring trust in America today.
Might I suggest what we lack most in our so called “enlightened day” is open, kind and moral leadership. What we need is good, honest and wise statesman. We need Americans who are governed by moral principle in thought and deed in private as well as their public lives. We need leaders who will lead by example and show us a better way.
We should always be willing to follow the Prince of Peace and stand for that which is right. We should be willing to talk and work with everyone in an effort to unify all people to make America great again. I for one will try harder, will accept constructive criticism from others, and will commit to do better.
Our Open Invitation
In the spirit of eternal optimism, we exhort all Americans to demonstrate true leadership by returning to the high moral standard of civility in all we do and say. Indeed we need to treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated.
We look forward to working together to show the American people a better way as we “make America great again”. Even though we may disagree on some issues, we can still have open dialog and respect for one another’s beliefs. As Hall wrote in The Friends of Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. After all, isn’t this the pure genius of America?