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Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org.
Hillary’s America, the movie!
Faulsely suggested that the 1860’s War Between the States was fought to end slavery. Such was not the case!
It was fought to maintain a corrupt system of high tariffs and corporate subsidies; to establish a centralized state; to overturn the Founding Principle that states are sovereign, and thereby undermine the moorings of Liberty!
The abolition of slavery was a convenient piece of propaganda! The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to the states in rebellion, not to the northern states!
We reject the implication that the Democrat Party is bad and the inference that the Republican Party is good!
We sincerely hope that Dinesh will next make a movie exposing the dark underbelly of the Republican party!
Bottom line: go see the movie! Do not think that the Republican Party is any better than the Democrat Party! Read Thomas DiLorenzo’s book, “The Real Lincoln” to understand the real reasons for the 1860’s War of Northern Aggression! Join us in the sacred cause of liberty!
Ron Paul Column: Lessons from the Failures of ObamaCare! – RonPaulInstitute.org.
Ron Paul posted another brilliant column last week, entitled “The Right Lessons from ObamaCare’s Meltdown.”!
“The decision of several major insurance companies to cut their losses and withdraw from the Obamacare exchanges, combined with the failure of 70 percent of Obamacare’s health insurance “co-ops, ” will leave one in six Obamacare enrollees with only one health insurance option.”!
Why are these insurance companies losing money? Because they are required by law to insure those who enroll! They may not discriminate against those with poor health–those who in a free market would not be able to get insurance coverage!
Not surprisingly, ObamaCare apologists are now calling for a single-payer system, and increasing penalties on those who have not yet enrolled in ObamaCare (those who choose to pay the IRS tax penalty instead of enrolling in the ACA)!
“Government has no legitimate authority to take money from taxpayers to fund health care or any other type of welfare program.”!
Health care is not a right. Why is not a right? Because taking money from you to pay for health care for me violates your right to the fruits of your labor!
Requiring people to purchase a product or service is criminal!
“The first step in restoring a health care system that meets the needs of all people is to start treating health care as a good that can and should only be provided via voluntary actions of free people.”!
International Issue: Paris Climate Agreement!
About 195 countries gathered in Paris, and decided they needed to do something about “climate change.”!
First-world nations will transfer $100 billion (your money) to third-world nations, so it can pay for conversion of their facilities to reduce emissions that are contributing to climate change!
Those who are connected to the politicians decide where the money goes! It is a gigantic transfer of wealth from you, taxpayers in first-world countries, to dictators in third-world countries!
It will be Haiti repeated over and over around the globe! It is a cesspool of theft, graft, and corruption; where the government and government operatives took money from Americans and gave it to companies to rebuild the country!
Where in the Constitution did the states delegate to the central government the authority to steal property from its citizens and give it to foreign countries?
Obama is now claiming he has the authority to sign the multinational Paris Climate Agreement without the approval of the Senate!
According to the White House, the Paris agreement isn’t a “treaty” which would require the approval of 2/3rds of the Congress! Instead, it’s an “executive agreement” for which there is a clear legal precedent!
What the President is doing is criminal! It is a violation of the constitution and a clear effort on the part of the president to act as a dictator!
If Obama signs this agreement, he is committing a criminal act!
Local group: Kaysville Citizens for Responsible Government (KCRG)!
Every citizen should be doing, a little bit every day in the sacred cause of liberty! “Politicians need to be watched.”!