* Guest: James Edwards – ThePoliticalCesspool.org.
* Rev. Billy Graham, dead at 99.
The Billy Graham Rule: Should You Be Friends With Someone of the Opposite Sex?
* Look who’s complaining about affirmative action now – Bob Unruh WND.com.
* A lawsuit has been filed by parents of Hartford, Connecticut, school children charging it’s unfair to limit the black and Hispanic enrollment of much-desired magnet schools to 75 percent of the student population.
* Black Panther is being hailed as the most diverse superhero movie in Hollywood history, but it’s not diverse enough for some progressives. Where are all the gay characters?
* ‘Kill The NRA’ Billboard on I-65.
* Stunning list: Cops stop dozens of school attacks before they happen – Chelsea Schilling.
* Coach Joe asks Supreme Court to allow his prayers – WND.com.