* Breitbart News is Testing the Live Events Business.
* After failing to get Congress-or Mexico-to pay for the wall Trump looking into getting the Pentagon to pay for it.
* CNN Mentions Stormy Nearly Twice As Much As Spending Bill.
* Commerce Department Puts U.S. Citizenship Question Back on Census.
* Judge Napolitano Not Sold On Census Citizenship Question: ‘You Have A Right To Remain Silent.
* Donald Trump Jr. Gets A Concealed Carry Permit In Pennsylvania.
* Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Urges Total Repeal Of The Second Amendment – Kevin Daley.
* Al Sharpton’s Half-Brother Kenneth Glasgow, Charged With Murder In Shooting One Day After Participating In Gun March – Henry Rodgers.
* Brian Stelter Admits That He Let David Hogg Lie On Air Without Correcting Him.
* A 60-year-old woman, Karen Cooper, from Fort Myers, FL, married a 100-year-old tree to “save” it from being chopped down by the City.
* Trump Nominates Chuck Schumer Aide Rebecca Slaughter To Federal Trade Commission.