* Deep State Plays The Donald for a Sucker!
* Trumped Up War Against Syria – WorldAffairsBrief.com.
* extensive evidence that US backed terrorists once again falsified a chemical attack, upon orders from Deep State actors, in order to manipulate Trump into backing away from his determination to pull US troops out of Syria.
* Trump Violates Constitution: Conducts military strikes on Syria in conjunction with the British and French governments!
* Morning After: Donald Trump Declares ‘Mission Accomplished!’ In Syria – Charlie Spiering.
* Russian military police entered and did not find any indication for the alleged chemical incident.
* Sen. Sanders: ‘Congress … Has the Constitutional Responsibility’ For War.
* Rep. Justin Amash: Syria Strikes Are ‘Unconstitutional, Illegal, and Reckless’.
* Klukowski: President Trump’s Syria Strikes Are Constitutional.
* Israel: U.S. ‘Acted Appropriately’ with Syria Strikes.
* VP Dick Cheney ‘Grateful’ For Trump’s Pardon Of Former Aide, Scooter Libby.