* Guest: Cliff Kincaid – USASurvival.org.
* Judge Brett Kavanaugh is part of the Cover up and Murder of Vincent Foster – Hugh Turley – AIM’s Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid!
* Brett Kavanaugh seems to be the favorite of the establishment, so that should worry conservatives. Newsmax.com a reliable pro-government “conservative” site is promoting him heavily – WorldAffairsBrief.com.
* U.S. Supreme Court Alert: Tell Senators to oppose Judge Kavanaugh – AFA.
* Kavanaugh is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School and once clerked for Anthony Kennedy, He also worked in the White House of George W. Bush and for Kenneth Starr.
* Kavanaugh, a politically connected member of Washington’s conservative legal establishment.
* Speaking of his colleagues on the D.C. Circuit Court, he called each “a friend,” and declared he was grateful to the Harvard dean who hired him: Justice Elena Kagan.
* FreedomWorks Applauds President Trump’s Selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Nominee!
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: President Trump hit a home run with his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.