* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* Abuse of War Powers!
* US Senate Supports NATO – Kudos to Paul and Lee for being the only Senators to oppose this resolution.
* Reminder: Three Movies Worth Your Consideration.
Operation Toussaint, Little Pink House, Death of a Nation.
* SCOTUS Wayfair Decision and the Utah Response.
Is the US Supreme fallible? Do you think they could ever issue the “wrong” (an incorrect) decision?
We believe the court is fallible, and that they have issued numerous “wrong” opinions, incorrect opinions, ideas that run counter to the plain language of the Constitution and to the minds of its writers and ratifiers.
* Bill that was approved on July 18 by the Utah Legislature, SB 2001 “Online Sales Tax Amendments”, Signed by Gov. Gary Herbert on July 21, sponsored by Curt Bramble in the senate and Steve Eliason in the House.
Only four senators voted against it: Debakis, Escamilla, Hinkins, and Iwamoto (five senators absent). Only three representatives voted against it: Brian Greene, Sandra Hollins, and Marc Roberts (five representatives absent). We applaud these seven legislators for their courage in opposing this horrific bill. And we condemn every legislator (and the governor) who supported it.
* This is taxation without representation. It is more (legal) theft. It is morally vacuous and morally wrong.
Unless some action is taken, we will devolve into a chaos that characterized the original 13 states under the Articles of Confederation when they were taxing each others’ goods capriciously and interstate commerce ground to a halt, and threatened the freedom of our fledgling nation because of this infighting.