* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* STATES Act and the 10th Amendment.
* The moral of this story is clear. If your state passes a law that nullifies federal firearms laws, or any law the meddles in a domestic issue, you better have a legislature with backbone, that will stand up for their legislation, a governor who will stand by it, and a sheriff who will stand by his citizens, else the citizens in such a state will be trapped just like Cox and Kettler.
The fact is: The federal government has no constitutional authority to criminalize marijuana.
* URP Central Committee Meeting Report.
* EMP Warfare.
There are three main electrical grids covering the US. One in the East, one in the West, and one in Texas. Just half a dozen EMP bombs, and our electrical grid would go down for months, leaving the country in chaos.
* Mixing Genders in Showers and Bathrooms.
* U.S. District Court Judge Marco Hernandez, in Oregon recently ruled that boys must be allowed to use the girls locker room, showers and bathrooms, and vice versa in public schools throughout the state.
* The Judge offered an alternative to parents who disagreed with the policy, telling them to send their kids to private school.