* Guest: Bryan Rust – Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals – rustcoinandgift.com.
* Honest Money Report: Gold: $1191.50 Silver: $14.63.
* Gold is real money, timeless insurance, nature’s currency!
* Russia Buys 800,000 Ounces Of Gold In July – After dumping some $90B of US Treasuries in April and May.
* Fed Continues to Manipulate Interest Rates.
* Bull Market Hits 3,453 Days; Gusher Flows Past Most Americans – NYT.* Venezuela just devalued the bolívar by 95% – Inflation approaches 1M percent – The minimum wage will rise 3,500%.
* Wildfire smoke fills U.S., Canadian skies as cities ponder options – Thomson Reuters.
* Deep State pulls security clearance for Trump supporter – Bob Unruh.
* Jim Jordan: I’d build wall, defund Planned Parenthood, reform welfare – Greg Corombos.
* Delingpole: Trump – ‘What Happens When the Wind Doesn’t Blow?’.
* Flesh-eating STD causing genitals to ‘rot away’.
* Hospitals shut at 30-a-year pace in US – no end in sight.
* China’s Xi says internet must be “clean and righteous” – Reuters.