* Guest: Richard Mack – TheFreedomCoalition.com – CSPOA.org.
* Cops: Call Us If Your Feelings Are Hurt – Bob Unruh WND.com.
In a world where “snowflakes” regularly complain of “microaggressions” such as addressing an audience “ladies and gentlemen,” the South Yorkshire Police are encouraging people to “put a stop” to hate and report what they have loosely defined as “non-crime hate incidents.”
They admit the only can prosecute “when the law in broken,” but they say some comments “can feel like a crime to those affected.”
The Christian Institute said it successfully pressed the government in 2013 to modify its hate-crime provisions to protect free speech.
* 11th-hour Kavanaugh surprise?
* University of Texas Tells Professors to Remove ‘Gun Free’ Signs – Appeals court hears challenge to Texas campus carry law.
* ‘Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet.
* UMass Boston Professor Says American Interventionism Causes Terrorism.
* Nike donates big to GOP.
* Trailblazing female who became infantry Marine is getting kicked out for fraternization.
* Illegals cited in theft of 39M Social Security numbers – Art Moore.
* Call to Save President Trump From His Own Lawyers!