* Mexico torn between stopping, aiding migrant caravan – ABC News.
* Bill Gates Wants to Build A Better Toilet.
It’s no laughing matter. About 4.5B people — more than half the world’s population — live without access to safe sanitation.
* Social media makes you lonely and depressed, A University of Pennsylvania study claims.
* James Dobson: Time to rise up against Deep State – Bob Unruh.
* The war for the soul of America – Patrick J. Buchanan.
* Gov. Scott warns of ‘rampant’ vote fraud. RICK SCOTT: ‘NELSON IS CLEARLY TRYING TO COMMIT FRAUD’.
* Dutch man, 69, who ‘identifies as 20 years younger’ launches legal battle to change age.
* City takes extraordinary action on reading Bible in public – Joe Kovacs.
* UK Cinema Rejects Christian Movie on Bible Comforting WWI Soldiers for Being Too Religious.