* 3,000 lives per day – Today is National Sanctity of Human Life Day.
Marks the 46th year since the US Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade, along with its companion case Doe v. Bolton, the infamous abortion rulings that opened the doors to killing pre-born babies for any reason and at any stage of development.
* Since that tragic day in 1973, approximately 60 million innocent children have been brutally killed by abortion.
* Planned Parenthood Reveals How Much More Taxpayers Gave Them In 2018 – DailyCaller.com.
* 10 proven ways to fix the whole world – Bill Federer.
* Mark Levin, rants that longest government shutdown is actually short: ‘It’s amazing how we count weekends.
The House of Representatives has averaged 138 “legislative days” a year since 2001, according to the Library of Congress.
* 26BNaires Own The Same Wealth As The Poorest 3.8B People.
* #MeToo Movement!
* Police: Wounded IHOP Employee Pulls Gun, Kills Armed Restaurant Attacker.
* Virginia Senator Amanda Chase Openly Carrying Handgun to Deter Violent Protesters.