* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* The Supremacy Clause Smackdown.
* Myth: The general government is absolutely supreme!
* The general gov. is supreme only in its enumerated powers, and does not have veto authority over state laws.
* Ron Paul: “Is President Trump about to invade Venezuela?”
* “How ironic that Pompeo and the rest of the neocons in the Trump Administration are ready to attack Venezuela to “restore their constitution” but they could not care less about our own Constitution!”
* Joel Skousen: “US and Israel fomenting war with Iran” – “The decades-old globalist goal of attacking Iran is finally going to happen fairly soon.”
* Here are the globalist goals in the Middle East (which Iran opposes):
1. Create continual military conflict.
2. Create a steady flow of Muslim refugees into Europe so as to dilute and destroy Western culture.
3. Control oil resources.
4. Justify a steady flow of military aid and resources to Israel.
* Mr. White refers to 198 meddlings, coups, assassinations, regime changes, invasions, and wars since WWII.
* We are facing endless war on one hand, and the collapse of the dollar on the other. Which will occur first, and what impact will it have on your life?