* Guest: Scott Bradley – To Preserve The Nation – FreedomsRisingSun.com.
* UN Chief Sees Climate Doom Everywhere: ‘Floods, Drought, Heatwaves, Wildfires and Super Storms’.
* Sen. Lindsey Graham: “We owe it to the country to have an alternative to the Green New Deal. Let’s just cross the Rubicon. Let’s, as a party, say, climate change is real.”
* SCIENTIST: COW FARTS ‘NOT TO BLAME’ FOR ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ – Air-quality expert debunks ‘hype’ against animal-based protein.
* Paris climate rally draws 45,000 people?
* A legislative proposal in Connecticut would mandate instruction on climate change in public schools statewide, beginning in elementary school.
* Climate Lawsuit Claims Global Warming Is Making It More Inconvenient To Go Hiking.
* The LA Times Inadvertently Admits Trump Is Right About What’s Causing California’s Massive Wildfires.
* CA ‘Cooked The Books’ To Justify Solar Panel Mandate.
* Jerry Brown Signs Bill Forcing 100% Clean Energy On Californians.
* A New Report Shows Paris Climate Accord Backers Are Just ‘Outsourcing’ CO2 Emissions To China.
* Fewer People Are Buying Solar Panels After Subsidies Were Pulled.