* Rush Limbaugh: Mueller Just A ‘Figurehead’. ‘You watch, in a couple of years, we’re gonna learn I’m right about this’.
* Trump says Democrats have ‘gone crazy.’ Is he right? – WND.com.
* Trump: House Republicans should support the TWO YEAR BUDGET AGREEMENT which greatly helps our Military and our Vets. I am totally with you!
* Trump: I am pleased to announce the House has passed our budget deal 284-149. Great for our Military and our Vets. A big thank you!
* Rand Paul: The proposed budget deal violates every principle of conservatism. The deal allows unlimited borrowing until after the next election and eliminates the spending caps. Every conservative in America should respond in outrage: “Why did we even bother to elect Republicans?”
* FreedomWorks Statement in Response to House’s Passage of the “Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019,” H.R. 3877.
* FreedomWorks Applauds Rep. Thomas Massie for His Amendment to Rename the “Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019” to “A Bill to Kick the Can Down the Road and for Other Purposes,”.
* US City With Highest Min Wage Signals a ‘Tipping Point,’ Businesses Uncertain on How They’ll ‘Survive It’ – Thomas White Reuters.
* The city of Emeryville, CA, the highest minimum wage city in the US when the city saw a minimum wage hike from $15 to $16.30, according to The WSJ.
* Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured and in a Fetal Position in NYC Prison Cell.
* My Wife Asked Me Why I Spoke So Softly In The House? I Said I Was Afraid Mark Zuckerberg Was Listening! She Laughed. I Laughed. Alexa Laughed. Siri Laughed.
* Brave New Schools It’s Official: The Purpose Of Teaching Is Political – Michael Brown Strips Blinders Off Those Who Think Schools Are For Education.
* Amazon Dumps Documentary Critical Of Islam – Hosted program for 2 years but now has QA concerns.