* Guest: Scott Bradley – To Preserve The Nation – FreedomsRisingSun.com.
* Trump Admin Demands Apple, Google Turn Over Gun Owner Data.
* Is Government Weaponizing, Using Mental Health As An Excuse?
* How The United States and China Are Using Big Data to Create a Social Credit Score.
* Donald Trump Is Not Well – The Atlantic.
* Famed NFL quarterback attacked for promoting Bible – Saints’ Drew Brees posts defense of faith: ‘I stand for love, respect, accept all’.
* Feds Fighting Manipulated ‘Media’ With Algorithms – Program takes aim at ‘disinformation’ in political process.
* The technology already is here to create images, scenes and scenarios on video that look real but aren’t. They can give the false impression that someone is doing or saying something very bad.
* DARPA is working on the Semantic Forensics (SemaFor) program to identify technologies that make the automatic detection, attribution and characterization of falsified media assets a reality.