* Markets Plunge in Global Chain Reaction – Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 7.8% Monday, as coronavirus fears combined with a crash in oil prices, raised fears of recession in the US.
* Gates, Other Charities Pledge $125M Towards COVID-19 Treatments – Reuters.
* CNN labels coronavirus outbreak a ‘pandemic’ ‘We know it sounds alarming’.
* Trump Economy Roared In February. Lowest Unemployment In Over 50 Years. Job Growth Smashes Expectations for February as Unemployment Falls Back to 3.5%.
* The world is getting better – it’s just that no one tells you about it – 31 reasons to not let politics get you down – WND.com.
* Treasury’s Monica Crowley on the Explosive Trump Economy Success: ‘Boom!’.
* Nashville Tornado Victims Shout ‘Amen!’ and Applaud Donald Trump Speech.
* Indonesian Store Owner Calmly Handles Coronavirus Panic, Refuses to Price Gouge.