* Reports suggest many have had coronavirus with no symptoms.
* Trump consults faith leaders on phased-in reopening.
* DeMuth: Unlike Bush and Obama, Trump Succeeded in Crisis by Decentralizing Power.
* Report: Trump Admin May Redirect WHO Funding to Samaritan’s Purse, Red Cross.
* Lady Gaga, Beyoncé Lead Celebrities in Coronavirus Concert Raising $55M for the WHO.
* Donald Trump: Coronavirus Exposed Dangers of Supply Chains Dependent on China.
* South Carolina to Reopen Public Beaches, Retail Stores Tuesday.
* Dr. Deborah Birx Defends Jacksonville, Florida Officials for Reopening Beaches.
* Judge Blocks Democrat Kansas Governor’s Order Limiting Church Gatherings to 10 People.
* Gov. Greg Abbott on Reopening: ‘Texas Is the Economic Engine of America’.
* Walmart to Hire 50K More Workers After Filling 150K Jobs During Pandemic.
* San Clemente, CA Fills Skate Park with 37 Tons of Sand to Block Skaters.
* Police Hunt Down, Fine, Man Lying Alone on an Italian Beach.