* Guest: Scott Bradley – To Preserve The Nation – FreedomsRisingSun.com.
* The behavior of individuals, like the rules of society, are largely determined by our comfort with risk. Americans have decided they want speed limits above 60 miles per hour on interstates, even though highway deaths would drop if the speed limit was 30.
* Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas describes the ’10-10-10’ rule for reopening on May 15 businesses that have been shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. The rule calls for strict social distancing and contact tracing.
* The 10/10/10 rule specifies that businesses must limit the number of individuals on-site (inclusive of employees and customers) to no more than 10 percent of building occupancy or 10 people (whichever is larger), and record the names, contact information, and approximate entry/exit time of all customers.
* Many people are convinced the virus is going to get them!