* Dr. Scott Atlas: New surge of coronavirus cases is not a reason to panic – The key is the protection of high-risk individuals.
* When we see this focus on more cases, it doesn’t really matter how many cases – it only matters who gets the cases. We know that the infection-fatality rate for people under 70 is 0.04% – that’s less than or equal to the seasonal flu.
* Coronavirus Recedes: Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations Dwindle to Lowest Levels in Weeks.
* Lori Loughlin was sentenced to two months, Her husband Mossimo Giannulli gets five months in prison!
* “Did Barack Obama Steal His Social Security Number?” – Susan Daniels, a licensed private investigator from Ohio Does The Research.
* Unlike Obama’s birth certificate, whose legitimacy may never be certified, Obama has inarguably been using an SSN that originated in Connecticut. This SSN is at least a “curiosity” and quite possibly a fraud.