* Guest: Ted Nugent – Ted Nugent Rocks New Spirit Campfire Podcast. #1 on Billboard’s Top Facebook Live Video Chart! – TedNugent.com – HuntTheVote.org.
* Guest: Jim Clymer – The Party of “Integrity, Liberty, & Prosperity!” – ConstitutionParty.com.
* DOJ labels three cities – Portland, Oregon; New York City and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions”.
* Mike Bloomberg Raises $16M to Pay Fines of Black, Hispanic Felons to Vote in Florida.
* Donald Trump: ‘I’m So Angry at Republicans’ for Slow Investigations.
* McMaster warns of risk of another Sept. 11 in interview for his new book, Battlegrounds.
* Flu shot not ‘untested’ COVID-19 vaccination – USA Today.
* Domino’s Pizza chain commits $100M to St. Jude hospital, largest donor commitment in hospital’s history.
* Undercover journalist turns the tables, sues Planned Parenthood for defamation – Charges abortionists lied about videos revealing organ harvesting.
* James Dobson: Sex-ed radicals learn not to mess with Texas – Officials continue ‘commonsense’ approach that lessons are abstinence-based.