* The first Friday of October is designated World Smile Day! – That is today!
* Swiss city Geneva to introduce a minimum wage of over $4,000 a month.
* Prof calls for all cops to be strangled, then whines about doxing and death threats.
* Teacher gives student 15 seconds to take down Trump flag or he’ll be kicked out of class.
* ‘Epidemic’ of Unintended Pregnancies in Philippines Amid Lockdown Measures.
* The NYT is under fire from its own readership after sharing a tweet to promote its fact-check coverage of the debate that was unfavorable to Joe Biden.
* Top Filmmakers Warn Congress That Movie Theaters Face Extinction.
* Guest: Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. – How to Survive and Thrive in Covid-19 – RedPillExpo.org – SafaLab.com.
* For the past 25 years, SafaLab has consistently offered the world’s highest quality, cutting edge, scientifically-validated line of health enhancing products available for the benefit of people who want to “survive and thrive” through life.
* “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand may not exceed the humble and careful reasoning of an individual.” — Galileo Galilei.