* Guest: Ken Cromar – Film Maker – MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com – ORDER Your “Miracles” Today!
* Please DONATE: Barbie & Ken vs. IRS Deep State!
* IRS illegally Steels and Auctions “Barbie & Ken’s” home!
* Is God dead? Do miracles happen anymore? America’s college students have questions.
* Fact: Our nation’s birth in freedom didn’t happen by accident. The Founders and patriots prayed for MIRACLES in their fight for freedom—and got them! So why is this history no longer taught in our schools? Hosted by Stan Ellsworth (Star of Emmy award winning American Ride) with Linnea Miner & Liberty experts Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Kate Dalley, Sen. Mike Lee, David Barton, KrisAnne Hall, Timothy Ballard and others are interviewed on the subject of miracles—yesterday and today. With the challenges of today, America is going to need them.