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* Guest: Leigh Dundas, Human Rights Attorney, New Online Course: The Psychology of the Winner! – LeighDundas.com/Education
* Leigh had offered those taking the course for credit an option to receive extra credit if they handwrote their notes and sent them in.
After reading her takeaways, it occurred to Leigh that this material is pretty much what EVERY 8th-grader through college senior needs!
* Get The Freedom Fighters Handbook Today!
* The state of Utah has just greenlighted amniotic stem cell treatment (after the FDA went the other way).
Holistic healthcare is of course the wave of the future and we can’t be losing our freedom fighters prematurely to pain and aging and death.
* There is a new oxygen water — it is NOT alkaline or hydrogen or Kangan or anything like that – it’s OXYGEN water, It’s from Hungary originally.