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Radio Show Hour 1
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Guest: Lowell Nelson –
Why did the US bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945? – Diana Johnstone –
“The bombs were dropped to see how they worked and to show the world that the United States possessed unlimited destructive power.” The decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a political decision, not a military one. Neither city was a military target.
Liberty Loses No Matter Who Wins! – Ron Paul.
Why the 2016 Presidential Election Should Not Matter!
What do you know about the Defense Production Act? This is the best and most terrifying example of how “national security” is the justification for giving dictatorial powers to the president!
As long as people expect the president to provide economic and personal security, the presidency will be a threat to liberty regardless of who holds the office!
Instead of obsessing over whether demagogue A is less dangerous than demagogue B, we must focus on spreading the ideas of liberty!
Only when a critical mass of the people demand it will we return to limited constitutional government! The growth of the liberty movement gives me hope that we will soon see a day when our peace, prosperity, and liberty is not threatened by the results of the presidential, or any other, election!
Bush Administration Official: Saudi Ties to 9/11 Hidden to Protect Iraq War Narrative! – Brian McGlinchey –
Radio Show Hour 2
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Apple, Twitter, Google, and Instagram Collude to Defeat Trump!
Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton!
Donald Trump said Saturday that his true opponent in the general election is the media. “I’m not running against crooked Hillary, I’m running against the crooked media,” Trump said at a rally in Fairfield, Conn!
Trump Threatens to Revoke New York Times’ Credentials!
2012 Pentagon report warned Obama was creating ISIS! Predicted current policies would lead to Islamic state in Syria! – Art Moore – WND.
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time under President Obama!
New Disclosures in the Killing of Rancher Jack Yantis!
Army Revises Fitness Standards to Accommodate Obesity Trends!
Dems, cops silent on bizarre twist in deadly DNC mystery! – Garth Kant.
LGBT Lobby Urges Big 12 to Shun BYU!
Venezuelan Crisis Continues to Escalate!
Hillary Makes Pitch to Mormons as “Religious Freedom” Candidate!
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Blames Culture, Not Cops for Shooting! –
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke requests mobilization of National Guard!
Radio Show Hour 1
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After 11 Years, Arianna Huffington leaving The Huffington Post!
Arianna Huffington, founder of the pioneering digital news operation that bears her name, said Thursday she will step down as editor in chief of The Huffington Post to start a new venture, ending her controversial reign at the liberal online news company!
Macy’s CLOSING 100 stores to ‘reinvent itself!
Radio Show Hour 2
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The United States Needs To Stop Funding, Arming and Training Terrorists!
Donald Trump Explains His Obama-Founded-ISIS Claim as ‘Sarcasm’! – New York Times.
Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally! – CNN.
Trump just confirmed every Republican’s worst fear! – CNBC.
Trump: I’m Not Going to “Pivot”! Trump told CNBC that he had no plans to change his campaign style! I’m a truth teller!
Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to respond to The Donald!
The most significant event that one can pinpoint is the 2003 invasion of Iraq by President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, so if anyone is going to take the blame, it should be them!
Hillary Short-Circuited?
What Will It Take For Trump To Win?
Trump has ‘tremendous problem in Utah,’ gets Gov. Herbert’s vote!
The key issues in the presidential campaign for Herbert are the nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court the next president will make! States’ rights are also important!
He said he hopes Trump “can make good choices and put good people around him,” like his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence!
Justice Department Refused to Investigate Clinton Foundation!
Radio Show Hour 1
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Guest: Michael Connelly – Executive Director United States Justice Foundation – –
Obama illegally paid $400M ‘ransom’ to Iran! – New York Post.
The money was paid in euros and other currency acquired from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, since making a transaction with Iran in American dollars is illegal under US law!
Trump Calls Obama ‘Founder of ISIS’! ‘I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton!
Jeb’s son George Prescott Bush (currently serves as Land Commissioner in Texas) endorses Trump!
Michael’s New Novel: The Rag!
Michael’s Latest Article: An American Soldier Died Today!
Radio Show Hour 2
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Guest: Richard Mack –
A man who wanted an “audience” with Donald Trump spent three hours scaling the glass facade of Trump Tower on Wednesday using large suction ‘cup’s, climbing as high as the 21st floor before police officers grabbed him and hauled him to safety through an open window! – Deseret News.
Media Accuses Trump Of Terrorism!
Senior Citizen Beaten for Wearing a Trump T-Shirt!
Tribune of the Working Class Sanders Buys $600,000 Island Vacation Home!
How Easy is it to Hack Voting Machines?
Bundy Brother Reportedly Abused by Prison Guards, Taken to Hospital!
Radio Show Hour 1
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Paul Ryan easily wins his primary, but GOP’s populist storm still rages! – Washington Post.
Fox News Host Andrea Tantaros Says She Was Taken Off the Air After Making Sexual-Harassment Claims Against Roger Ailes!
Former Fox News Booker Says She Was Sexually Harassed and ‘Psychologically Tortured’ by Roger Ailes for More Than 20 Years!
Establishment lining up to stop the Trump train! – USA Today.
Jobs, Taxes, Trade and Regulations!
8 big firms’ profit dreams slip away! – USA Today.
New York Daily News calls for Donald Trump to end his presidential campaign! – CNNMoney.?
Trump slammed for comments about Clinton, Second Amendment! – Deseret News.
Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich Who Was MURDERED in DC Was Wikileaks DNC Source!
WikiLeaks offers $20K reward in murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich!
Radio Show Hour 2
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Did Trump Suggest an Armed Insurrection if he Loses in November?
Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to call Hillary Clinton a ‘liar’ who defended her rapist by smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that she knew he was guilty! – DailyMail Online.
Hillary Clinton is not for women and children,’ says Kathy Shelton, 54, who was 12 years old when she was raped by Thomas Alfred Taylor in Arkansas Clinton was the rapist’s defense lawyer, pleading him down to ‘unlawful fondling of a minor’!
Ryan Bundy Abused by Prison Guards, Taken to Hospital, according to Nevada state legislator Michelle Fiore, citing information provided by his sister-in-law, Lisa Bundy!
Radio Show Hour 1
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Walmart is buying Jet, the year-old online bulk retailer, for $3.3 billion! The world’s largest retailer is now turning to someone else’s technology and talent!
Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, announced Monday that she would not vote for Donald Trump in the presidential election!
Fifty of the nation’s most senior Republican national security officials, many of them former top aides or cabinet members for President George W. Bush, have signed a letter declaring that Donald J. Trump ‘lacks the character, values and experience’ to be president!
They Claim He: ‘would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being. Mr. Trump, the officials warn, ‘would be the most reckless president in American history!
The letter says Mr. Trump would weaken the United States’ moral authority and questions his knowledge of and belief in the Constitution!
Former C.I.A. Official Evan McMullin to Challenge Trump With an Independent Presidential Bid!
Signs Emerge in Wisconsin: Globalists for Paul Ryan!
“Wages Are Too High”! Vote Paul Ryan! “Keep Our Borders Open”! Vote Paul Ryan!
Parents of 2 Americans Killed in Benghazi Attack Sue Hillary Clinton!
Key Trump aide explains how economic plan might play out! – USA Today.
Trump’s Economic Team: Bankers, Businessmen!
Radio Show Hour 2
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Guest: Alan Philips – –
Alan Sees and Reviews the Movie: Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe! –
Health Lessons from the Amish, Mennonites and Other Plain People!
More studies show unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children!
AMA prepares gag order for medical dissenters!
How Can We The People Stand For Solutions?