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Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org.
Why did the US bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945? – Diana Johnstone – RonPaulInstitute.org.
“The bombs were dropped to see how they worked and to show the world that the United States possessed unlimited destructive power.” The decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a political decision, not a military one. Neither city was a military target.
Liberty Loses No Matter Who Wins! – Ron Paul.
Why the 2016 Presidential Election Should Not Matter!
What do you know about the Defense Production Act? This is the best and most terrifying example of how “national security” is the justification for giving dictatorial powers to the president!
As long as people expect the president to provide economic and personal security, the presidency will be a threat to liberty regardless of who holds the office!
Instead of obsessing over whether demagogue A is less dangerous than demagogue B, we must focus on spreading the ideas of liberty!
Only when a critical mass of the people demand it will we return to limited constitutional government! The growth of the liberty movement gives me hope that we will soon see a day when our peace, prosperity, and liberty is not threatened by the results of the presidential, or any other, election!
Bush Administration Official: Saudi Ties to 9/11 Hidden to Protect Iraq War Narrative! – Brian McGlinchey – 28pages.org.