* We Will Never Have an Honest Society With Dishonest Money at the Core!
* Congress approves $1.3T spending bill, sends to Trump!
* Shame, shame. “A pox on both Houses-and parties,” said Sen. Rand Paul. “No one has read it,” the 2,200-page bill. Congress is broken.
* House approves measure, 256-167, Senate 65-32.
* Trump threatens to veto omnibus spending bill over DACA and the border wall.
* Trump names John Bolton, former American ambassador to the UN, as third national security adviser.
* Bolton, Fresh From Fox News Role, Joins Trump’s Parade of TV Talent – NYT.
* Flynn, McMaster, Bolton! One of the most hawkish national security teams in recent history.
* ‘If you want peace, prepare for war’: Trump’s new national security advisor.