* Family finds vase worth $600,000 in attic shoebox.
* Town sued for issuing 3 tickets per hour, day and night, collecting millions – Bob Unruh.
* Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests.
* Campaign contributor helped Obamas score Netflix deal.
* FBI: Reboot Your Home Office Router to Stop Russian Malware.
* Life With Big Brother: Europe Pushes Ban On Plastic Straws, Q-Tips – ‘Turn off the flow at its source: production’.
* The Palestinian Authority is “desperate” for American cash to survive, yet when the U.S. cut off funding, it reacted by threatening violence, explains a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
* They ditched pricey home ownership for a small house on wheels — and they love it.
* IRS Warns States Not to Circumvent State and Local Tax Cap.
* Delingpole: Why Congress Shouldn’t Trust Climate ‘Experts’.
* Donald Trump Supports Tomi Lahren After Woman Throws Drink at Her.