* Country star Chris Stapleton makes big announcement at concert – He and his wife Morgane are expecting their fifth child.
* In Georgia, 11th-hour daggers over voting system – Bill Barrow And Frank Bajak.
* Armed With Assault Rifles, Black Panthers March For Stacey Abrams.
* In 2016, Soros Boasted Of Spending $500 Million On Migrants.
* Billionaire George Soros wants to go on Fox News. But they won’t book him – CNN.
* Migrant caravan members sue Trump for violating their ‘constitutional rights’.
* Will Washington, DC, become the first municipality in the nation to let 16-year-olds vote in national elections, including presidential races?
* Hannity And Limbaugh At Rally With Trump!
* Trump endorses Romney in run for U.S. Senate seat in Utah – Reuters.
* Romney takes issue with Trump calling the media the ‘enemy’.
In a blog post on his campaign website, Romney wrote that “denigrating the media diminishes an institution that is critical to democracy, both here and abroad.”
* Twitter deletes 10,000+ bot accounts that ‘discouraged US midterm voting’.
* ‘Nobody has done more for Christians & religion,’ Trump boasts, provoking Twitterstorm.
* Trump: Migrants who throw rocks will be arrested, not shot.