* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* The “Climate Action Now Act” Passed The US House 231 to 190.
* The letter at CampaignForLiberty.org explains that many of the provisions of HR9 are part of the “Green New Deal” which has near-zero support in Congress, because it micromanages the way Americans live and work. It would result in higher prices for nearly all goods and services.
* Senate Tries to override Trump’s veto of HJR 7, the resolution forbidding continued US support of the Saudi-led war on Yemen.
* The veto is sustained. The US will continue to support the Saudi-led war on Yemen.
* US Troops In Syria For ‘Long Haul’.
* Citing Iranian Threat, U.S. Sends Carrier Group and Bombers to Persian Gulf.
* US Hypocrisy: Attempted coup in Venezuela failed miserably. Did Maduro’s people feigne support for the coup to entrap those who wanted to oust Maduro? Guido got snookered, the coup fizzled, and the US disappointed once again.
* Fourth of July speech to Congress in 1821, John Quincy Adams stated: if America were ever to abandon its founding foreign policy of non-interventionism, the US government would begin behaving as a worldwide dictator.
* That First Taste of Freedom – EricPetersAutos.com – LewRockwell.com.