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Apple, Twitter, Google, and Instagram Collude to Defeat Trump!
Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton!
Donald Trump said Saturday that his true opponent in the general election is the media. “I’m not running against crooked Hillary, I’m running against the crooked media,” Trump said at a rally in Fairfield, Conn!
Trump Threatens to Revoke New York Times’ Credentials!
2012 Pentagon report warned Obama was creating ISIS! Predicted current policies would lead to Islamic state in Syria! – Art Moore – WND.
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state at the time under President Obama!
New Disclosures in the Killing of Rancher Jack Yantis!
Army Revises Fitness Standards to Accommodate Obesity Trends!
Dems, cops silent on bizarre twist in deadly DNC mystery! – Garth Kant.
LGBT Lobby Urges Big 12 to Shun BYU!
Venezuelan Crisis Continues to Escalate!
Hillary Makes Pitch to Mormons as “Religious Freedom” Candidate!
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Blames Culture, Not Cops for Shooting! – Newsmax.com.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke requests mobilization of National Guard!