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Guest: Gen. Al Hansen.
Gen. Hansen is a retired 4-star Air Force general with experience as a fighter pilot!
Why are people lining up behind Trump’s candidacy?
Donald Trump Is Endorsed by 88 retired generals and military officials, urging a ‘long overdue course correction in our national security posture!
‘The 2016 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to make a long overdue course correction in our national security posture and policy,’ the letter states!
‘As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world,’ the generals and admirals write!
‘For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next commander in chief!
Poll: Trump +19 Military! Fear of rigged Election! – DrudgeReport.com.
Guest: Dr. Jane Orient M.D. – drjaneorient.com.
Dr. Jane Orient is the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a voice for patients’ and physicians!
Jane has appeared on major television and radio networks in the U.S. speaking about issues related to Healthcare Reform!
Hillary’s ‘mystery man’ appears after coughing fit! ‘Do you think the media will ever ask the campaign about this guy?’!