* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CamPaignForLiberty.org
* Arizona “Metals are Money” Law
HB 2014 defines gold, silver, and other precious metals as legal tender and exempts them from capital gains taxes, thus allowing Arizona residents to use precious metals instead of Federal Reserve notes.
Every supporter of free-markets should cheer Arizona’s passage of HB 2014. There is no more justification for forcing individuals to use government-created money than there is for forcing them to drive government-manufactured cars. In fact, as the Federal Reserve’s 114 years of failure shows, giving monopoly control over our money supply to a secretive central bank is the most dangerous form of government intervention,” said Dr. Ron Paul.
* Utah Municipal Elections Filing Period.
* Utah CD3 Candidates Evaluation.
* Lowell is a delegate in Utah CD 3, and will be one of the 1000 or so delegates who help to decide the party’s nominee in the election of a representative to replace Jason Chaffetz, who announced that he would retire from the US House on June 30.
First thing we do is decide what is important to us, based on the US Constitution, and our understanding of the proper role of government.
1. Does the candidate understand the PROPER ROLE OF GOVERNMENT–that government lacks the moral authority to do what a person may not do? In other words, if you my neighbor may not forbid my use of herbs in the treatment of illness, then government may not forbid it either! Will s/he defend my rights to life, liberty, and property? Will s/he defend my right to the fruits of my labor? Meaning will they eliminate taxes, the legal plunder that plagues our society? Will s/he get the government out of education, health care, etc?
2. Does the candidate understand STATE SOVEREIGNTY over the central government? Does s/he realize that they would be taking a job in a role that is subservient to the state? Would they advocate this most important check on the central government? Or would they support bills that encroach on state authority? Does the candidate understand the foreign or outward-facing role of the central government, and the domestic or inward-facing role of state governments? Does the candidate understand that the central government may punish only three crimes–counterfeiting, piracy, and treason?
3. Does the candidate understand the importance of FREE MARKETS? Will s/he reduce regulation and other barriers to entry, and help to create a level playing field for all businesses, showing no favoritism, no picking of winners and losers?
4. Does the candidate understand one of the greatest threats to our Republic is our fiat MONETARY SYSTEM? And will s/he vote to Audit the Fed, and then to End the Fed? One cannot underestimate the importance of a return to a sound and honest monetary system! What does the candidate think about these 17 words in the Constitution: “No state shall … make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”
5. Does the candidate understand the systemic flaws in our FOREIGN POLICY of military interventionism, and will s/he vote to change this policy to one of friendship with all nations and alliances with none?