* Guest: Heather Scott – North Idaho House Rep District 1A.
* VoteHeatherScott.com – RepHeatherScott.com.
* All Power is in the People, Our Rights Come from God!
The gravy train party VS the American Citizens.
* Idaho is divided into 35 legislative districts, which each elect one senator and two representatives. There are no term limits for either chamber.
* Comey: ‘No,’ Trump Didn’t Ask Me To Stop Investigation.
* He admitted Thursday at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that he leaked memos about his meetings with President Donald Trump through a third party to the media and lawyers now question the legality of that release.
* Comey: Trump lied in public and bulldozed in private through the governmental norms designed to protect the rule of law.
* McCain. asks confused, strange questions of Comey – Blames baseball? – Has Old John Lost it?