* Guest: Mat Staver – CEO, Chairman, Founder of Liberty Counsel – LC.org.
URGENT threat to destroy Liberty Counsel.
Liberty Counsel Sues GuideStar Over False “Hate Group” Label.
* Federal Judge Danny Reeves, sentenced Samuel Girod to 72 months in prison for “not registering with the FDA” and engaging in “interstate commerce” without a license. – TheFreedomCoalition.com.
“the defendant has not given me any reason not to impose the recommended sentencing guidelines.”
Girod did not bow and kiss the king’s ring. Girod did not act remorseful and did not apologize. Thus, the judge determined to teach him a lesson and send a message to all Amish farmers; do what the bureaucrats command or go to jail!
This is how the FDA proves we should abolish this out of control agency!
* Media Horrified After Trump Tweets Video Body-Slamming CNN.
* Kentucky governor’s plan to stem violence: Prayer patrols – USA TODAY Network Justin Sayers.
* Chris Christie’s family spends time on shutdown state park beach all to themselves.
* See Legendary Musician Charlie Daniels’ warning about global government – WND.com.