* Trump Pushes Needed Tax Reform.
* Tax Simplification, Become Competitive Again, Provide Relief and Repatriate Trillions!
* SPLC Backs Down: Removes Innocent Town From ‘Hate Map’ – Tyler O’Neil.
* Antifa’s Destructive Chaos in Berkeley.
Police were given an order to stand down, and predictably Antifa’s demonstration descended into chaos.
Some Antifa members “were caught on camera driving a man to the ground, punching and kicking him.” Antifa surrounded a journalist and chanted, “Take his camera! Take his phone!”
* TSA Drags Its Feet When Travelers File Claims.
* New Jersey Democrat Robert Menendez can Continue to Sit in the Senate even if he is a Convicted Felon.
* Canada to Give Welfare Checks to Refugees.
* Ninth Circuit Rules Against Prayer.