* Guest: Richard Mack – TheFreedomCoalition.com – CSPOA.org.
* SPLC has Questionable Offshore Accounts.
* SPLC Says Army Bases Are Confederate Monuments That Need To Come Down – Peter Hasson.
* Georgia Cop Lt. Greg Abbot, Suspended After Saying ‘We Only Shoot Black People – Amber Randal
* There Are Way Too Many White Librarians These Days, New Report Finds – Eric Owens.
* Defense Secretary James Mattis signed the orders to deploy additional troops to Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is now America’s longest running non-declared war, and the deployment will only deepen American involvement in unconstitutional foreign entanglements.
* The world nearly came to a standstill for the students at the University of Mississippi “after a discarded banana peel was found hanging in a tree on campus.”
* Anti-Corporate Voices On Both Right And Left Claim Google Censorship – Peter Hasson.