* Mike Kim, owner of Grubb’s Pharmacy, claims members of Congress have Alzheimer’s disease – RT.com.
He added certain lawmakers “might not even remember what happened yesterday.”
* Media begging us for conspiracy theories – Ann Coulter.
Was Paddock using gambling to launder money?
Paddock was treated like royalty by the casinos. Which means he was losing.
Why are the media insistent that Paddock was getting rich by Gambling?
* Trump administration announced an exemption for employers with religious or moral objections to providing birth control in their employee health insurance. Catholic bishops called the change “a return to common sense”
* ‘Tremendous competition’: Trump signs executive order relaxing healthcare rules.
* Trump ends Obamacare subsidies that ‘cannot lawfully’ be paid.
* Joining President Trump for a Great Healthcare Victory – Rand Paul.
* NYT video editor caught bragging about slanting Trump coverage.