* Senator Cruz Warns Republicans.
If they don’t follow through on their campaign promises to repeal Obamacare and enact tax cuts, the party could experience a bloodbath in 2018.
* Steve Bannon on Brietbart News announced he’s going to make sure every Republican senator up for re-election with the exception of Senator Cruz will face a primary challenge.
Cruz said, “We have Republican control of every branch of government, and we’re not delivering.
Ted promised that Republicans would have a great year in 2018 if they just follow through on their campaign promises.
* Time to dump Social Security numbers, experts say.
The White House is looking at ways to phase out the use of Social Security numbers.
* Erasing debt may hurt Puerto Ricans -USA Today.
* $10M reward to Impeach President Trump – WASHINGTON POST AD.
* Join the Impeachment Defense Team.
* Will McConnell be Forced To Resign?
* Sebastian Kurz has near rock-star status for putting own citizens 1st.
Invasion Europe Austrian Winner ‘Tough On Migrants’