* Netflix is sinking deeper into debt – Netflix’s long-term debt and other obligations totaled $21.9B!
* Sen. Rand Paul formally endorsed Roy Moore in the Alabama senate election.
* Judge’s ruling deals blow to Menendez – Matt Friedman.
* Google Serves Fake News!
* 99-year-old grandpa Milford “Pete” Nodlinski, still works on the family farm, providing an example for his kids and grandkids.
* Craig Morgan – This Ain’t Nothin’.
* Will Americans need a passport for DOMESTIC air travel?
* Security guard Jesus Campos, vanishes — and surfaces on set of ‘ELLEN’.
* Richard Spencer is scheduled to speak at the University of Florida on Thursday, authorities are treating him like an approaching hurricane.
Gov. Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency in Alachua County, which includes the Gainesville campus where Spencer will speak, the New York Daily News reports. Large protests are expected.
* North Korea Says War is Imminent.