* Paddock removed the hard drive from at least one computer found in his room.
* Housekeepers visited Mr. Paddock’s room more than once in the days before the shooting, but did not notice any sign of his large stockpile of weapons.
* He also ordered room service at least once.
* Jesus Campos went to Mexico “just days after” the horrific shooting.
* Why would the FBI allow a material witness to flee the country during an ongoing investigation?
* 50 Years of JFK Secrets . . . Remain Secret – LibertyNewsDaily.com.
* Trump holding back some JFK assassination files, releasing others.
* There are still some documents that the public cannot see.
* Released records are still heavily redacted!
* Agencies of the Deep State were given another six months to “figure out what they want redacted.
* DOJ Offers Tea Party Groups Apology. IRS Remains Silent.
* Comcast hurt by rapid rise in cable-cutter defections – USA Today.
* Statue of Nude Woman Is Rejected, Out of Concern for the Turf on the Mall – NYT.
* Twitter Has Miscalculated User Growth For Years and revealed that it miscalculated the amount of users it had by millions.