* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org.
* Sen. Rand Paul Assaulted, Attacked from Behind by Neighbor.
Rene Boucher came onto Paul’s property and tackled him from behind.
Paul suffered facial injuries, five broken ribs and bruises to his lungs, had trouble breathing.
* Neighbors Say Rand Paul’s Attacker Was An Avowed Socialist – Chris White.
* Trump: The mass shooting at a Texas church “isn’t a guns situation,” but is a “mental health problem.
* Joel Skousen, editor of World Affairs Brief, visited Highland and spoke about the Trump administration, the Las Vegas shootings, and world affairs in general.
We are reminded of his counsel to learn to listen to your conscience, the light of Christ within, the Spirit of the Lord, and not to be distracted by the “noise” in which we are so often engulfed.
* Utah GOP Central Committee Meeting on Saturday.
The Davis County Republican Party issued an Ethics Committee Report wherein Rob Anderson (then the county party chair but now the current state party chair) was guilty of ethics violations.