* Beverly Nelson alleges Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 and working as a waitress.
* Steve Bannon: until there is more evidence, he’s standing with Moore.
* Cruz pulls support from Moore.
* Bannon Predicts McConnell Will Be Out Of Leadership In A Year – WND.com.
* Rand Paul Returned To Senate Monday.
* Trump nominates Alex Azar to replace Tom Price as secretary of Health and Human Services.
* Trump’s pick Peter Robb has been confirmed as general counsel, of the NLRB.
* Remember The woman who flipped off Trump’s motorcade? She may have gotten fired, but thanks to a GoFundMe campaign has so far raised more than $63,500 of its $100,000 goal.
* DoveChannel.com Buys StoryBoxFamily.
* Army lifts ban on recruits with mental health issues – Grant waivers to people with a history of depression, bipolar disorder, drug and alcohol abuse, and self-mutilation.
* China races to make FIRST CONTACT with aliens using world’s largest dish.
* Alibaba smashes its Single’s Day record sales cross $25B.