* Guest: Pete Sepp – President of National Tax Payers Union – NTU.org.
In a recent op-ed, NTU President Pete Sepp summarized this moment perfectly: “tax reform is not about chasing unicorns. It is instead about seizing the bull by the horns.”
With the House of Representatives set to vote on the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” we are on the verge of accomplishing something that has eclipsed us for the past 31 years. Passing comprehensive tax reform will ensure economic growth and prosperity return to America and her taxpayers.
* What: Conference – Working together to stop an Article V Convention (Con Con) – StandStrongForTheConstitution.com.
Where: Free Enterprise Center Auditorium – Larry H. Miller Campus 9750 S 300 W Sandy, Utah.
When: Today Thursday, November 16, 2017 Doors open at 6:00 pm – Program begins at 7:00 pm.
Who: Concerned Americans.
* The Big List of 149 Trump accomplishments – WND.com.
* Express gratitude to president for 1st-year accomplishments.