* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org.
* Joel Skousen’s Thanksgiving column – WorldAffairsBrief.com.
* Joel is thankful for the Wisdom of the Founders and Framers.
They had an “innate suspicion of centralized government.” The concept was revolutionary in the 1700s–that our rights came from God (not man), that government was a necessary evil, and needed to be chained down.
Many people “think we are free.” Several years ago, Lowell’s prayers became more specific, and he began praying that we would be successful in preserving what few freedoms we have left, and in reclaiming those we have lost.
* Thankful for our Anti-Establishment Religious Heritage.
* Thankful for the World-Wide Web.
The web is to the current day, as the printing press was to Gutenberg’s contemporaries.
* Thankful for Private and Home Schools.
* Joel is thankful for the Workings of Conscience. It is the “calm assurance that always accompanies truth.”
* The practical meaning of Thanksgiving, is the triumph of Capitalism over the failure of Collectivism in all its forms.
* Ron Paul: Why Are We Helping Saudi Arabia Destroy Yemen?
* Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen is Killing 130 Children a Day.
* Women Having Fewer Babies Than Ever.
* CEO of JPMorgan Jamie Dimon said he thinks President Trump will be a one-term president and lose in 2020.