* Cliven Bundy Released, Case Dismissed – DailyCaller.com.
U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro ruled Monday the case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy would be dismissed “with prejudice,” and ordered the rancher set free after federal prosecutors willfully withheld exculpatory evidence during the 2017 trial.
In a blistering rebuke to the federal government, a judge dismissed all charges against rancher Cliven Bundy, two of his sons and Ryan Payne – WND.com.
* Big List of 173 Trump accomplishments in 354 days.
* Trump deals another blow to Obamacare – Art Moore.
* ‘Sanctuary’ for illegals becomes blacks’ worst nightmare – Jesse Lee Peterson.
* Justice Department looking into Hillary emails again.
* Election-law expert: Feds do have right to states’ voter details – Greg Corombos.