* Sam Signs the National Association for Gun Rights’ “Defund the UN Gun Ban” Petition.
Figures show hundreds of thousands of dollars coming from our own government towards promoting the U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty”.
Funding hasn’t slowed down under the Donald.
* Trump’s Suggestion To Bring Back Earmarks Is The ‘Antithesis’ Of Draining The Swamp – Ethan Barton.
* Sam signs Operation Rescue’s National Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood, urges all pro-life friends and family to do the same!
* Provo, Utah’s economy ranks best in U.S. – USA Today.
* North Carolina Told to Redraw ‘Partisan’ Map.
* Toyota and Mazda to Build $1.6B Alabama Plant.
* The IRS outsourcing of tax debt collection is costing the IRS about $3 for every $1 it brings in.
* Sheriff Joe Not Backing Down On Obama’s Birth Certificate.