* Guest: Bryan Rust – Rust Coin & Gift – rustcoinandgift.com.
Over the past 50 years, Rust Coins has been working to educate customers about precious metals.
* Dishonest Government: How Can a Silver Dollar and a Paper Dollar be Different Costs but be Declared as Same Face Value? Which is Fake News?
Gold and Silver Prices – Gold: $1350.40 Silver: $17.34.
* Reject The Get Rich Overnight Mentality
* James O’Keefe attacked by antifa thugs.
* Women’s Marcher threatens Trump’s and Pence lives: ‘It’s guillotine time, b-tches!’
* Judge Napolitano Thinks Trump And Mueller Could Both Be In Big Trouble If Trump Goes On The Record.
* Ben Swann of Truth in Media: I’m Back!