* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* The outcome of our efforts to pass Audit the Fed this year might very well be decided by our Actions.
We are on the verge of forcing the Senate to vote on this historic legislation. Will your senators stand with the American people in support of sound money and Fed transparency? Or will they stand with Wall Street and the banksters in support of continued Fed secrecy?
“These powerful special interests are desperate to keep the American people in the dark about how the Fed enriches economic elites, feeds the growth of Big Government, impoverishes the middle-class, and punishes savers and those on fixed incomes through the hidden tax of inflation.
* Ron Paul: “We Should Listen to the Iraqi Parliament,” – CampaignForLiberty.org.
* Fifteen years ago this month, the US commenced a war on Iraq (without a declaration of war from Congress.
“Despite the lies we were constantly bombarded with, Iraq never presented a threat to the United States. Iraq never had the weapons of mass destruction that the neocons used to frighten Americans into supporting the war. How many of them knew all along that there were no WMDs?
“The US “regime change” war on Iraq has directly resulted in the death of at least a quarter of a million civilians, and indirectly perhaps a million Iraqis have been killed.
Iraq has been turned into a hell on earth.
War propaganda was essential in paving the way for the Iraq war. Americans are generally skeptical about launching new wars, so it takes a steady media bombardment about the alleged depravities of any targeted regime before public opinion begins to shift in favor of war.
We wish more service men and women would stand up and challenge the media’s narrative on Unconstitutional wars. Citizens would challenge their public servants to bring our military home. We wish more of our public servants would join the three courageous members of Congress who this week introduced a resolution to end US involvement in Afghanistan.
The Iraqi parliament “voted to demand that their prime minister draw up a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
* The New American Liberty Index.
We should judge our public servants by their votes (actions)–not by what they say.