* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org – RonPaulInstitute.org.
* Guns and Student Safety.
* London’s Murder Rate Shot Past NYC Even With Gun Ban – Mayor Now Targeting Knives.
* Newquist Breakfast Featuring Morgan Philpot, Alex Newman, and Trevor Loudon.
* “Operation Gun Runner” where the US fed arms to the drug cartels in Mexico, knowing they would be used against agents in the war against drugs, hoping to incite rage against guns.
* Which is more dangerous–a foreign enemy or a domestic one? Obviously, the more dangerous enemy is the domestic one–the one who dresses like you, looks like you, talks like you, etc. He is the enemy who will vote against the proper role of government, trash your rights, and deride your beliefs.
* Ron Paul Column: Economic Storm Clouds.
President Trump’s tariffs will further weaken the economy.
“At the federal level, the movement to audit the Fed remains strong. As the failures of Keynesianism become more apparent, the movement to audit and end the Fed will grow in size and strength. Hopefully this movement will ensure the end of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat currency system as well as lead to a new era of liberty.”